Monday 12 December 2016

A Very Satisfied Customer

One of the best things about living on Digby Neck is that you have so many interesting neighbours. Elaine lives in Sandy Cove and loves combing the beach for rocks as much as I do. She also finds a lot of beach glass.

Recently, she dropped by to give me some rocks and I cut a beautiful slice of fortification agate for her in return and then a few days later she was back with some really nice beach glass. She wanted to give Vickie the glass but get her to wrap a piece for her to make a pendant for her friend.

Elaine with her pendant

Vickie is able to do beautiful wire work with a large variety of different wire types and thicknesses. The results are high quality and beautiful!

Beautiful wrap job on a nice piece of brown  beach glass

She has started to wrap some of our stone and over the winter she will be producing a whole array of pendants reflecting the shape and beauty of Digby Neck.

Beautiful piece of agate and copper wire

So stop by next spring and check out our inventory. They make perfect gifts or mementos of your visit to beautiful Nova Scotia!

Friday 28 October 2016

Winter Hours at The Shop

Well, I guess it had to happen.
The days are getting a lot shorter and it is dark when I get up to make coffee for "The Queen". We have already had some sleet, freezing rain and a dusting of snow. The last lot of stones have been polished and are being cleaned in the tumbler and after that, it will be put away for the winter. All the chairs are either off the deck or tied down with bungee cords because one thing is certain- big winds are coming! Last weekend we had gusts to 100 Km/hr. but the generator is fixed and back on its pad and just waiting to kick in when the inevitable power outage occurs. And today, for the first time, we fired up the wood stove.
Winter is coming.

Battening Down The Hatches:

Over the winter, we'll have a few big blizzards but what we worry about most is wind. It is absolutely amazing to see what can blow away when the winds are over 100 Km./hr.! So this weekend we will be taking down the large roadside sign. But the smaller Open/Closed sign will still be there.

Winter Hours:

Because of the number of locals who are coming here for the Seawall Fibres Yarn, we will be keeping the entire gift shop open until December 24th. We will be open Thursday and Friday from 10-4 and Saturday and Sunday from 1-5. We don't intend to be away so we will also open the shop by appointment as well if we are around. Just call (902) 482-2188 and we'll do out best to accommodate you. And since anyone coming by will have braved our "cool, breezy weather", everyone will be considered a local and will receive a 10% discount on all merchandise except the odd piece which we have on consignment. It is quite possible that we will open on other days so if you drive by and see the "open" sign, come on in and say hi! You never know when you might be rewarded by a cup of hot coffee!

Keep checking the blog over the winter as I intend to tell you what's new for the spring.

We have had an amazing summer with about double the visitors to the shop. It would appear that tourism in Nova Scotia is on the upswing and we are going to spend the winter preparing for even more visitors next year. I have an industrial heater installed in the rock shop and will be out there as often as "The Queen" (and my hip) allows. As things stand now, I am scheduled to get my new hip in February so I should be well along in my rehab by the start of the tourism season next year. Thanks to everybody who came by and if you weren't able to make it, there's always next year!


Thursday 22 September 2016

More Spectacular Rock

Had a chance to work a pretty interesting piece today.

It looks like Stilbite invading basalt as it is very fibrous but it polished up much better than I thought. There are beautiful pinks and reds and it looks as if some of the original mineral has been replaced with silicate.
If you have any ideas, help me out!
Beautiful weather here right now- sunny and mild with light winds and low humidity. If only it would last a few months!
We just got a new shipment of fall weight yarn so I'll do a more extensive post on that when we have it all in inventory.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Visit from a Hard Core Knitter

One of the great things about having the shop is the interesting people you meet.
Today we met Bethany.
In previous posts I have commented on the , dare I say, fanatical mindset of knitters. The fact is most serious knitters have a "stash" of yarn that is sitting, just waiting to be knit. The really serious ones have SABLE- Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy!
But you have to be really hard core to travel from New York to vacation in Nova Scotia packing your own spinning wheel in the back seat of your vehicle.

You should know that this is just one of FIVE such wheels that Bethany owns!
Apparently she had found us via the internet and since she was coming to Digby, decided to pay us a visit. From here, she will be going to another part of Nova Scotia to see (and spin yarn) with another friend.
We just love meeting people like Bethany- people with a real passion for their craft and a real love for this beautiful province.
So Bethany, you're an old friend now. Heck, one more trip and we'll have to make you an honorary Bluenoser!
Hope to see you again soon.

P.S. We will be closed tomorrow, Friday September, 16th because I have an appointment in Halifax. Open again on Saturday.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Interesting Visitors- Interesting Rocks

We are experiencing beautiful fall weather here yesterday and today after a weekend that was so foggy and wet I couldn't see the nearest house!
On Sunday afternoon two of our loyal yarn customers (you know who you are!) paid us a visit with their "children". We love it when kids come in the shop-especially when they are as well-behaved as these three!

We love it when our beautiful Seawall Fibres hand dyed yarn is really appreciated. These guys wouldn't stop fondling it!
And speaking of beautiful, I am cutting a gorgeous piece of banded agate.
It's a little macrocrystalline but the colours are awesome and I should be able to get about 4 slabs and a nice specimen piece.
Vickie sees a bracelet in its future!
Don't forget our special offer. Visit the shop before the end of the year and mention the blog offer and you'll get 10% off the price of your purchase (not to be combined with other offers).
Hope to see you soon!

Saturday 10 September 2016

The Mother Lode of Amethyst!

I'm finally getting around to working on some of the rock that we had collected while my buddy Ted (from Australia) was here.
Vickie found a seam of crystals about 3-4 cm thick and the slab was about 20 cm square. It looked nice from the side but it was a bit large to sell as a specimen so we decided to give it a "tap" with the 2 pound hammer. We ended up with about 3 nice pieces and I took them in the house to show "The Boss". They looked really nice with some beautiful colour but then Vickie went to pick up a piece and something amazing happened.
The piece split in half through the center exposing two beautiful crystal faces!
So I went back to the other two pieces and very carefully tapped them in the center with a chisel. Here's what we got
Close up you can see a bit of the colour although I have to say that they are even nicer in person
So now we have some beautiful specimens of Nova Scotia Amethyst sitting in the shop waiting to go to a new home!
My current load of tumbler rocks is at stage #2 and they should be finished in about a week. There are some absolutely beautiful stones in there- jasper, flame, plume and crazy lace agate- can't wait to see the results!
So come on by if you live in the area and while you are here, check out the beautiful yarn and hand knitted pieces.

Monday 5 September 2016

The Third Tourist Season

Well, it's the last day of the Labour Day weekend so we are headed into our third phase of this year's tourist season. In the spring, we get a lot of people from the Maratimes doing short trips to explore their back yard.
That all changes when school gets out. Then it's mostly families from all over and a lot of people from Europe.
But after Labour Day, the kids are back at school and we start seeing more retired couples from all over.
This year has been amazing, with almost twice the visitors we had last year- our first in operation. Part of that was due to people coming in to buy the Seawall Fibres Yarn (of which we are the sole distributors) but more and more people are discovering us through this blog and the Nova Scotia printed guide (Doers and Dreamers) and web site.

So I thought I'd give you a little peek at what's in store for next year.
Thanks to our summer adventures, I have a ton (literally) of great rock to work on over the winter. Also, I've been able to work some beautiful stone that Vickie has started to "set" in various ways. Here's a sample of what's coming.
Crazy Lace Agate set with copper and leather cord
By next spring, we will have a great selection of stone jewelry to complement Vickie's amazing polymer clay pieces and Sandra's whimsical fantasies. And I promise to get Vickie back to work to restore our inventory of purses that have been so popular.
As I type, Lisa is dying more yarn in some exciting new colours. Look for it soon on the Seawall Fibres Etsy site and follow Seawall Fibres on Instagram and Facebook.
We should have a large selection of knitted goods by then as well and there will be more of Vickie's art. She is even working on kits so you can make your own leather soled slippers from our beautiful yarn.
So you will have all sorts of exciting options to Take Home a Piece of The Neck!
That being said, we still have plenty of beautiful items in the shop and the weather in the fall is beautiful and the whales are still around in abundance so if you're looking for a place to spend some time, come on out to "The Neck" and stop by and see us. Mention this blog post and get 10% off anything you buy this year. 
Hope to see you soon or, if not, next year.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Our Latest Amazing Find

One of the things that makes working with rocks so interesting is that you never know what you are going to find and what it will look like when you have finished it.
Last year, we found a small rock on the beach across from our house. I finally got around to sorting the material and decided that I would work this rock right away.
I started to grind one side and right away I saw an organic pattern. I continued to grind and polish and ended up with something pretty spectacular. The stone was now only about 1 cm thick and I had to decide if I would just grind the back down or try to cut it. I took a chance and cut it and managed to end up with two spectacular slabs.

The larger stone is about 4.7 cm x 4 cm x 0.4 cm thick.
Sorry for the quality of the shots. They are a little out of focus but in person they are extraordinarily clear and sharply defined but now the big question is- what is it?
I'm pretty sure I know.
A lot of the sedimentary rock in this area is from the carboniferous period that lasted between 360 and 300 million years ago. At that time, there was a plant that looked like a palm tree but was a conifer and had cones like the pine cones you might find today. This is a cross section of a part of one of those cones! The organic material has been replaced by silicate but you can still see a lot of structure- especially on the outside. This is one of those pieces that you want to leave rough on the outside because it is as interesting as the polished part.
Vickie is going to wire wrap one in silver and use a silver chain. The other will be done less expensively.
The person wearing it will be wearing something that started its existence over 300 million years ago
Pretty cool, huh?
I have a lot of really nice stone to work so if you are going to be in the area, stop by and see what's going on. You might even take home a piece of The Neck!

Sunday 14 August 2016

A Hidden Creative Gem on Long Island

If you're like me, the thing that makes a trip special is finding hidden treasure- some thing, person or experience you didn't expect but that creates memories that last long after you return home. You know, the one you can't wait to tell your friends about. "WE found this amazing..."
Well, do I have a place for you!
Leave The Artist's Mark Shop in Rossway and head west on Hwy. #217 to East Ferry. Once you cross to Long Island go about a half mile and you'll see a yellow building on the left (Long Island Trading) and a church on the right. Just past the church there is a lane going to the right.
 Take it- you'll thank me later.
 On the right, at the end, you'll find your prize in the form of an art studio featuring the work of Pat Sollows and Jamie Baxter.

Pat and Jamie are both exceptional artists, part of a wonderful creative group who have chosen to call Digby Neck home.
As with Vickie, their work is not for everyone but for those who "get it" , the bond is exciting and intense.
Here is one of Jamie's pieces entitled Homage to Jerry.
And here are a couple of Pat's pieces entitled The Swimmer and Whale Dirge.

It's impossible for me to do their art justice on this blog but if you like this small sample, you can see more at or just plan a visit to their studio.
Pat and Jamie are two wonderful people who will make you feel at home as you experience what their amazing talents have produced (and be sure to ask them about their seaweed bath).
Come and see us sometime. You'll find all sorts of hidden gems on our unique, spectacular Digby Neck.

Friday 12 August 2016

The Neck- A Hub of Creativity

The strip of geography from Digby to Brier Island is one of the most interesting areas of Nova Scotia. The geology is  remarkable since we were once part of Africa (I'm not kidding!). The scenery and whale watching are spectacular and the people are super friendly.

But one thing that really sets us apart and makes it a great place to visit is our creativity. Recently, a group of dedicated locals organized the Breaking Waves Festival of music and art. It was a tremendous success and you can learn more by visiting their web site

If you visit the site, you will see this amazing bit of creativity:

The flag was created by Gary Wilson of Sandy Cove and it really captures the unique geography of our beautiful locale. Three separate land masses are separated by narrow cuts caused by shear faults that have broken up the basalt massif that forms the spine of the neck.

This has, in turn, inspired me!

I am going to start finishing agate, amethyst and maybe even glass to create a three piece pendant I am calling the Digby NeckLACE. Keep watching the blog to see examples of the finished pieces. I may not have anything this season but look for a good supply next spring.

Hey, even the weather is creative around here. It was raining a little while ago but sunny now and a lady who was just in the shop told me that it was clear at Petite Passage but fogged in on Brier Island. Often, it can be the complete reverse.

Never a dull moment!

Cheers and see you soon!

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Why I LOVE Digby Neck!

One of the most rewarding aspects of having a shop on Hwy. #217 on Digby Neck is the people you meet. We have encountered Doctors, Lawyers and Indian Chiefs (from India!).
Today's treat was Gabriel.
He showed up in the retirement present he bought for himself.

That's me sitting inside.

Pretty cool inside as well as out, huh?

Check the blog over the next week. When my friend Ted Lazare was visiting from Sydney Australia, he and Vickie had two major agate finds. I'm just sorting the stuff now and will start working a few pieces later today. When I am finished a few, I'll post 'em on the blog.

It's been a great summer but there is still time to come visit the most interesting place in Nova Scotia!


Friday 29 July 2016

News from Digby Neck

Well, summer is in full swing and the "neck" is teeming with tourists from all over the world. Recently we have had visitors from Israel, Germany, France, Boston and all over Canada!
Due to the popularity of our own Seawall Fibres hand dyed yarn, we have expanded our space to display all the beautiful colours!

Since our daughter Lisa, who does the hand dying, is visiting with her daughters, we have arranged a couple of trunk shows in the area to showcase the yarn. Here is a picture of the one held on Brier Island, at the very end of Digby Neck.

Lisa had a great time meeting the "locals" and explaining how she creates her beautiful Seawall Fibres yarn and they, in turn, were very impressed!

I am just about finished a load of stones in my tumbler (AKA "The Beast" ) and there are some gorgeous stones in there. I'll take a picture when it is finished.

Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Update From the Rock Shop

Well, the tourist season is in high gear with people from literally all over the world dropping in to the shop. In between visitors, I am getting time to work on some of my "inventory"

Here is a piece that Vickie is going to wire wrap to make a pendant.

This is basically porcelain agate with some nice dark brown inclusions. I have only taken it to 100 grit in this pic so it's going to be pretty glassy at the finish.

I also have some beautiful pieces to cut. Take a look!

After I cut, I'll decide if they are good enough for a pendant but there certainly are some amazing fortification agate patterns.

If you are a family planning a trip to Digby and would like to spend a bit of time in my shop watching me work, just contact me and I'll do my best to set something up.

Hope to see you soon!

Wednesday 6 July 2016

More beautiful agate

getting more opportunity to be in the shop and I have some really good material to work with.
This was one small piece that contained crazy lace, fortification and moss agate that I was able to get three pieces from.

Some really beautiful colours and patterns and I managed to get some pretty nice shapes so now they go to Vickie to work her magic. Don't know if she is going to wrap them or get me to drill them but I predict they will be pretty awesome when she's finished!

Come on by and see this stuff in person!


Tuesday 5 July 2016

News From "The Neck"

Maybe I should call it "Neck News"!

Lots of activity recently with visitors from all over including Texas, Romania, France, Ontario and even Berwick! (Annapolis Valley)

The couple from Berwick were rock hounds so since Vickie was going to the beach anyway, she took them agate hunting and everyone came back with "treasure". I ground a nice face on a few of their pieces and in return got this VERY interesting float!
Shark tested float

If you look carefully, you can see a perfect impression of shark teeth, perfectly preserved in the foam of the float! The shark must have been really disappointed.

Also, courtesy of our neighbours Dermot and Moya, we have a new addition to our attention grabber by the road.
Sorry for the shadow
This lobster trap looks as good as new but apparently Dermot found it washed up somewhere and since he has decided not to take up lobster fishing, here it will stay!

And finally, I am able to get back to working in the rock shop. We were at Gulliver's Cove a few days ago and Vickie found me some beautiful pieces of crazy lace agate. Here are just a couple that I will be drilling so they can become pendants.
Beautiful colours and patterns

We are also expecting a large shipment of Seawall Fibres hand dyed wool (over 100 skeins) so we will let all you knitting fanatics (you know who you are!) know when it has been put in the shop.

Tourist season is in high gear and next week is Lobster Fest in Digby so we look forward to seeing you soon!

Saturday 25 June 2016

Interesting Visitors

The weather has been beautiful of late and we have had a lot of visitors to the shop. Had a family of three generations visit yesterday. They were from Rhode Island and had a lot of fun looking for agates on the beach. They actually found some! I had a lot of fun showing them my lapidary equipment and even managed to drill a nice crazy lace pendant for them.

Then there was this guy:

Apparently it is some kind of giant silk moth and the largest of these guys has a wing span of 6 inches. I measured this one and it was a little over 6 so I think you may be looking at a world record!!
The patterns and colours are absolutely spectacular!
I've sold a lot of my agate specimens lately so I will have to get busy and make more. I have some beautiful stuff ready to cut and polish and Vickie and I are collaborating on a necklace that just might be amazing!

Beautiful day today, not a cloud in the sky and warm with just a zephyr of a breeze! Too nice to work but perfect for drinking a beer and listening to some J.J. Cale on the deck.

So that's it for now. Come on by and see us and if you haven't visited Nova Scotia, what's keeping you?

Sunday 12 June 2016

The Bag Lady is Back!

So all the threats and wine bribes have finally paid off.

We have had a tremendous run on Vickie's bags and with our inventory down to two the walls were looking pretty bare. So I finally convinced her to get out her fabric, thread and machines and get to work!

You will note that she appears to be sewing in stereo!

Anyway, as you can see, the inventory is up to 5 and she promises me that if the wine keeps coming the wall will be full by the end of tomorrow. So if you haven't seen these bags, you owe it to yourself to swing on by. They are absolutely gorgeous and a steal at the price!

Even though it was cold and rainy today, we had visits from tourists hailing from Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Some beautiful Seawall Fibres Obsidian worsted is heading across the border!

Please Note:

We will be attending a convention in Halifax so for this week only, the store will be open all day Monday and Tuesday but will be closed from Wednesday and will reopen the following Wednesday morning.

Look forward to seeing you then!


Friday 10 June 2016

The Verdict is In on Seawall Fibres!

We have now had our beautiful Seawall Fibres hand dyed yarn in the shop for a few weeks and it has been a real eye opener for me- a non-knitter.

Here are some actual quotes from people who have shopped in person and then posted on the Seawall Fibres board on Ravelry:

"...a yarn addict (and yarn snob). Your yarn is orgasmic!"

"I couldn't wait to get home to sit and enjoy the softness and colours of these yarns..."

"...a lovely store with a nice selection of different weights of yarn."

" It's soft and squishy and the colours are amazing."

"...the St. Mary's Bay blue is calling my name. Just need to find the right pattern for the gorgeous yarn."

"The yarn colours are outstanding! As beautiful as they are seeing them online, they are even more beautiful in person."

"...what a gorgeous selection of gorgeous colours! Can't wait to get one of these on the needles."

"I fondled and probably drooled just a little..."

Needless to say, sales in the shop have been brisk and this week alone, through our Etsy Shop, we have shipped yarn to Sweden, Ireland, England, the USA and even Canada!

So if you are a knitter, you owe it to yourself to check out Seawall Fibres!

And now a word to you long suffering non-knitters who know a serious knitter (we'll call it SK). In the words of ex President Clinton, " I feel your Pain!".

When I was in the golf business, I was convinced that golfers were the worst fanatics known to man.
I was wrong.
When I got into the sunglass business I met the surfing community. I thought they were the worst fanatics.
I was wrong.
We sold to bass fishermen. Who but the world's biggest fanatics would spend tens of thousands on a bass boat which is basically an open skiff with a seat in the middle and a honking big motor on the back and then enter a tournament and stuff their fish with lead weights to win?
I was wrong.

I say that because I have now met SK! SK enters a yarn store and starts to drool. Read the above quotes people! SK doesn't just knit yarn, SK has an intimate relationship with it. SK has a "stash" of yarn. If your SK has say, 50 skeins, they can still be saved. I've seen worse- a LOT worse! Vickie's stash is so big that if she dies before me I can sell it and move to Tahiti. Heck I could BUY Tahiti!

So if your SK says "I want to go to The Artist's Mark to look at the yarn, they are LYING! I suggest you bring a good book or hang out with me in the rock shop. In the time it takes SK to fondle every skein in the store before buying (and trust me, SK WILL buy) I can teach you to be a first class lapidary!

Oh, did I mention that rock hounds are the biggest fanatics in the world...?

Monday 6 June 2016

New Stuff in the Shop

We have been extremely busy of late with stuff fairly flying off the shelf! Our inventory of Vickie's popular purses stands at 2 but she has promised me that if I make dinner for a few days she will make some more. The worst part is since she has celiac disease I can't make Kraft Dinner.

We finally got the last of Lisa's initial shipment of yarn tagged and priced so I think we now have about 110 hanks of wool in our display.

So there's plenty to drool over for all you knitting fanatics out there (you know who you are!).

Our Etsy site for Seawall Fibres is now up and running and fully stocked so if you want yarn and can't make it into the store, just pop on over to
And if you haven't yet seen Lisa's "Mineral Mondays", go to
Or if that isn't your cup of tea, you can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Once we get the shop restocked, our plan is to restart our Etsy shop for The Artist's Mark but until then, if you want to see Vickie's abstract art and gorgeous jewelry, my rock specimens and silver pendant collection featuring local gem stones or Sandra's famous whimsical sculpted figures, you'll just have to come and see us on beautiful Digby Neck- the whale watching capital of the maritimes!
If you mention the blog, I'll give you a nice piece of tumbled agate or Jasper.

Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Wish You Were Here!

We have been pretty busy in the shop of late as the tourist season heats up. We've had visitors from Australia, Germany and even Cape Breton! (heh,heh)

A few days ago a neighbour from Sandy Cove showed us a picture she had taken of the sunset over the Bay of Fundy.

Pretty spectacular, huh?

And if you need more reasons, there is the fabulous fresh seafood, high value of the U.S. dollar, amazing whale watching, Rappi Pie (look it up) and, of course, the friendliest people in Canada!

Come on and put us to the test. We look forward to meeting you and value adding to your vacation. And remember, we know all about The Neck so if you have questions, just ask. We also have a lot of brochures on local attractions and points of interest.


Flash! This week we will be receiving a shipment of another 100 hanks of our gorgeous Seawall
           Fibres yarn. Everything we have in the shop is listed on our Etsy site
   so if you can't make it here, you can buy online. We will even  
           pack your purchase in fresh sea air!
           And don't forget to check out the latest posts at

Friday 27 May 2016

New Etsy Shop Up and Running

Our Etsy shop for Seawall Fibres went live last night at 9 PM. It took all of 5 minutes for us to record our first sale of 6 skeins of wool!

So all the wool that is available in our store is also available on line if you can't make it into the shop. Here are a few examples:

 While we'd love to see you out here on scenic Digby Neck, at least this way you can experience some of the natural beauty if you can't be here in person.
To see the store, go to   and let us know what you think.
Things are heating up here of late with more and more tourists dropping in- even one from Australia!
I'm now back in the rock shop and have cut several really nice pieces of crazy lace which I will use to make pendants.
So if you are in the area, be sure to drop in- we'll have something you like!

Friday 13 May 2016

We're officially in the knitting business!

As some of you may know, we have always carried a selection of hand knitted goods courtesy of our daughter, Lisa. What you didn't know was that Lisa was doing the experimental work necessary to create an entire line of luxurious, top quality hand dyed yarns.

The experimental phase is complete and we are proud to announce the birth of Seawall Fibres!

May 11, 2016

For Immediate Release

We are pleased to announce the introduction of Seawall Fibres, a boutique collection of unique, hand dyed luxurious yarns.

Digby Neck is a spectacular slip of nature perched precariously between the rugged waters of the Bay of Fundy and historic St. Mary’s Bay- waters whose colours are constantly changing and whose world famous 20+ foot tides dramatically resculpt the landscape twice daily.

The imposing Seawall towers over all, standing as a silent sentinel to days long past, simpler times when local wool was spun and hand dyed. Her deep red sandstone contrasts with the grey basalt massifs and treasures of amethyst, jasper and multicoloured agates found in the sand and driftwood of the beach below.

This is the inspiration for Seawall Fibres- unique, hand dyed yarns reflecting the enchanting beauty of natural Nova Scotia.

To learn more about this product, please refer to our blog or follow us on Facebook or Instagram or contact us by email at .
The Seawall- the inspiration for Seawall Fibres
These gorgeous yarns are now available in the shop but we are kicking things off with a very exciting give away contest with a really nice prize so head on over to  and check it out!

We look forward to seeing you this summer! 

Monday 9 May 2016

Seawall Fibres is Open For Business!

This summer we have an exciting new addition to the shop.

Seawall Fibres is the brainchild of our daughter, Lisa. An avid knitter, she was having trouble finding premium luxurious wool and fibres in the colours she wanted. So she decided to make her own! (She's a lot like her mom!).

First she had to find a source of natural premium yarn that met her exacting standards and once that was achieved, she set about to experiment with colour/ yarn/ weight combinations using as her inspiration the beautiful Seawall area across from our shop on St. Mary's Bay. The end result is a spectacular array of beautiful yarns, named after gorgeous rocks and minerals and the ever-changing kaleidoscope of the Seawall.

A small sampling of the Seawall Fibres line of luxurious yarn.

We have stock in the store in several weights from "fingering" to "chunky". Eventually, Seawall Fibres will be available through an Etsy sight but for now, you can get it at the shop.

Our exciting Seawall Fibres display
As you can see, we are also carrying knitting supplies (bags, needles) and a selection of hand knitted items made from this fabulous material. Everything is priced below what you would expect for this quality. So if you are a knitter or know a knitter, come on by and check out Seawall Fibres. You won't be disappointed! And remember, we accept all credit cards.