Monday 31 July 2023

We're Back!

 I am now mobile enough to get to the showroom and my office so we are open for business again! Stop by and see what's new.

Thursday 27 July 2023

Temporary Shop Closure

 Some may know  that I have had both hips replaced and last weekend I did something to displace the left one. It's getting better but I  still can't walk very well so we have decided to close for   the baalance of the week.

I will be here and can be reached by phone (902) 482-2188 or by email    If you are only here fooor   a few days and really want something from the shop, Vickie will be around and if you call, we'll try our best to open for you

Friday 21 July 2023

Lost Painting

 This post is for the nice golfer and his son (big Celtics fan I gather) who bought several items. When you realize that you don't have the small painting, contact me and I'll send it to you no charge.

I'm posting here since I gave you my card and encouraged you to check out the blog.

And don't forget, we accept repeat visitors. Next time we'll talk golf!

Sunday 2 July 2023

Introducing The Castaway Collection of Jewelry

 Beautiful jewelry is easy to find. But interesting jewelry isn't. That's why I make it.

We live right across from a beautiful beach and got to wondering how we could make pieces using the materials we find there. Thus The Castaway Collection was born.

The idea is simple- take found items- driftwood, shells, sea glass and rocks and make interesting pieces. They aren't to everyone's taste but those who like them LOVE THEM!

here are some we've made from shells so far:

The last one is extremely interesting and features a shell core and we've made several others.

We also use driftwood:

And of course we incorporate beautiful local beach glass.

As you can see, some are simple and some are more complex but all are very modestly priced because, quite frankly, our reward is overcoming the design and engineering challenges. These pieces are so different, they had to have their own display.

So if your travels take you to the wilds of Digby Neck, stop by and see for yourself. And check out our rock shop, hand dyed yarn and other jewelry!