Friday 28 October 2016

Winter Hours at The Shop

Well, I guess it had to happen.
The days are getting a lot shorter and it is dark when I get up to make coffee for "The Queen". We have already had some sleet, freezing rain and a dusting of snow. The last lot of stones have been polished and are being cleaned in the tumbler and after that, it will be put away for the winter. All the chairs are either off the deck or tied down with bungee cords because one thing is certain- big winds are coming! Last weekend we had gusts to 100 Km/hr. but the generator is fixed and back on its pad and just waiting to kick in when the inevitable power outage occurs. And today, for the first time, we fired up the wood stove.
Winter is coming.

Battening Down The Hatches:

Over the winter, we'll have a few big blizzards but what we worry about most is wind. It is absolutely amazing to see what can blow away when the winds are over 100 Km./hr.! So this weekend we will be taking down the large roadside sign. But the smaller Open/Closed sign will still be there.

Winter Hours:

Because of the number of locals who are coming here for the Seawall Fibres Yarn, we will be keeping the entire gift shop open until December 24th. We will be open Thursday and Friday from 10-4 and Saturday and Sunday from 1-5. We don't intend to be away so we will also open the shop by appointment as well if we are around. Just call (902) 482-2188 and we'll do out best to accommodate you. And since anyone coming by will have braved our "cool, breezy weather", everyone will be considered a local and will receive a 10% discount on all merchandise except the odd piece which we have on consignment. It is quite possible that we will open on other days so if you drive by and see the "open" sign, come on in and say hi! You never know when you might be rewarded by a cup of hot coffee!

Keep checking the blog over the winter as I intend to tell you what's new for the spring.

We have had an amazing summer with about double the visitors to the shop. It would appear that tourism in Nova Scotia is on the upswing and we are going to spend the winter preparing for even more visitors next year. I have an industrial heater installed in the rock shop and will be out there as often as "The Queen" (and my hip) allows. As things stand now, I am scheduled to get my new hip in February so I should be well along in my rehab by the start of the tourism season next year. Thanks to everybody who came by and if you weren't able to make it, there's always next year!
