Tuesday, 5 July 2016

News From "The Neck"

Maybe I should call it "Neck News"!

Lots of activity recently with visitors from all over including Texas, Romania, France, Ontario and even Berwick! (Annapolis Valley)

The couple from Berwick were rock hounds so since Vickie was going to the beach anyway, she took them agate hunting and everyone came back with "treasure". I ground a nice face on a few of their pieces and in return got this VERY interesting float!
Shark tested float

If you look carefully, you can see a perfect impression of shark teeth, perfectly preserved in the foam of the float! The shark must have been really disappointed.

Also, courtesy of our neighbours Dermot and Moya, we have a new addition to our attention grabber by the road.
Sorry for the shadow
This lobster trap looks as good as new but apparently Dermot found it washed up somewhere and since he has decided not to take up lobster fishing, here it will stay!

And finally, I am able to get back to working in the rock shop. We were at Gulliver's Cove a few days ago and Vickie found me some beautiful pieces of crazy lace agate. Here are just a couple that I will be drilling so they can become pendants.
Beautiful colours and patterns

We are also expecting a large shipment of Seawall Fibres hand dyed wool (over 100 skeins) so we will let all you knitting fanatics (you know who you are!) know when it has been put in the shop.

Tourist season is in high gear and next week is Lobster Fest in Digby so we look forward to seeing you soon!


  1. hi Peter and Vicki! James and I were so very excited to be able to meet both of you and very much appreciate your kindness! we learned much from ur combined wealth of knowledge and expertise. ur spirit, energy ,and passion certainly sparks the fire for natural beauty! We will return!! So glad you are able to find a use for the shark autograph! Cheers Nancy and James from the Valley!

  2. Come back any time Nancy and James and bring a rock so we can cut it and finish it together in the shop.

  3. Come back any time Nancy and James and bring a rock so we can cut it and finish it together in the shop.
